Finding Purpose In The Craziness


Finding Purpose In The Craziness 700x394 2

“Lord, what is happening to my body?!”

These were the words I uttered when I began getting sick with chronic fatigue somewhere around 1989. I was a baby Christian, and still single, but I was already learning to hear His voice when He told me,

“Pay attention to everything you’re going to learn because you’re going to use it to help a lot of people.”

In that moment I was given my life purpose.

And so my quest began. A quest to invite the Lord into everything I’m experiencing and asking him how He wants to use it. Not JUST my illness, but EVERYTHING!

As I was encountering challenges with my health, my “mantra” became,
“Lord, what is REALLY happening here?”
“What do You want me to learn?”
“How can I use it to help people?”

This same mindset continued to flow as I began encountering challenges in my marriage. Then with raising my children. Then with extended family members. And the list goes on…

The same principles apply no matter whether you’re involved with difficult people or difficult situations. Sometimes you may even be contributing to the difficulty, by your responses!

The key here is to recognize we live in a fallen, sin-filled, imperfect world and we must learn to walk through each and every trial with the Lord, seeking to glorify Him in everything.

Wherever you are, begin to transform your thinking. Begin to think like a warrior, because you are a warrior. And you are in a war. A war for the souls of those around you.

Wherever you find yourself, begin to think of yourself as being positioned there. It is your assignment. And part of your assignment is to touch peoples’ lives for Christ, speaking the Word into every situation.

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ…
2 Corinthians 5:20 KJV



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